U.S. Center for SafeSport provides parent resources that can help better equip parents to spot emerging problems before they worsen in order to create a safer sport culture. Resources include free online training, a parent toolkit, newsletters featuring athlete safety news, ideas, and resources, parent FAQs, and podcasts on a variety of topics useful to parents. The U.S. Center for SafeSport also provides MAAPP specific resources for parents. Resources include 2022 MAAPP Need to Know: For Parents, the eight key points parents should know about MAAPP, MAAPP At-A-Glance, the full MAAPP, and training opportunities.
It is important for parents to be able to recognize signs of abuse or misconduct. If you observe abuse or miscondcut, learn of allegations, or have a reasonable suspicion that child sexual abuse or neglect has occurred, a report must be made to the appropriate organization and/or law enforcement. To learn more about reporting a Safe Sport Complaint, go to Reporting a Safe Sport Complaint. There you will find: where to start with your concern, whom to report, how to report, and what to expect after reporting your concern.
What Should I do and not do if I suspect child abuse?*
Do report to local law enforcement and to the U.S. Center for SafeSport.
Don’t doubt your child or ignore their feelings.
Do make open communication with the child a priority.
Don’t model inappropriate behavior by yelling at a coach, another child, or another parent.
Do remain calm if a child confides abuse. Your initial response to their disclosure has a significant impact on what happens next. Make sure to document emotional abuse, so if a pattern develops you can report all the incidents.
Don’t assume your child just wants to quit the sport.
Do use broad, open-ended questions to listen to their concerns.
Don’t question whether your child “deserved” such treatement.
Do tell the child you’re glad they shared the information with you, that their safety is your first priority, and encourage them to come to you whenever a boundary has been crossed.
Do reach out to support providers for assistance and resources.
Source: U.S. Center for SafeSport
*For age-specific recommendations and advice, download the U.S. Center for SafeSport’s Parent Toolkit.