Individual Grand Prix Eligibility: The 2022 USATF Masters National Grand Prix - Individual, also called the "Individual Grand Prix," is open to all USATF Masters (ages 40+) member athletes who compete in one or more of the USATF Masters LDR Championships listed on the 2022 Masters National Grand Prix schedule here. All runners must be 2022 USATF members aged 40+ at the time of each counted race and must conform to current USATF Rules and Regulations. All Masters Athletes: All Masters athletes must be U.S. citizens or resident aliens at least 40 years of age on the date of the competition. All athletes must be 2022 members of USATF in good standing. USATF memberships may be purchased online, or through your local Association Office. Athletes will not be permitted to compete unless they have a 2021-2022 USATF membership and completed the entry information for each event, which can be found by clicking on the event’s name on the Events Calendar. Once on the page, scroll down to "Upcoming New Events." Resident aliens may compete but may not score for a team nor win awards at Championships. But, non-US citizens who are members of USATF are eligible for the 2022 USATF Masters LDR Individual Grand Prix and may qualify for Individual Grand Prix awards.
Age Divisions: 5-year age divisions for both Masters Men and Masters Women are as follows: 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, 80-84, 85-89, 90-94, 95-99, 100+
A runner’s age division for the 2022 USATF Masters LDR Championships Individual Grand Prix shall be determined by their age on the date of each race.
Runners who change age divisions during the competition year shall move up to the new age division with any and all points accumulated upon completion of their first Masters LDR Championship in the new age division. If the runner does not compete in any Masters LDR Championships after aging up, they will remain in their original age division for final scoring purposes.
Scoring: At each Masters LDR National Championship, event points will be awarded to all finishers in each 5-year age division for both Men and Women as follows:
An individual must participate in a minimum of 3 of the 2022 USATF Masters LDR Championships to be eligible for any Individual Grand Prix awards. Final point totals will be the sum of a runner’s 5 best point totals scored in any of the 2021 (Club Cross only) and 2022 USATF Masters LDR Championships (excluding Club Cross).
Awards: The following prizes will be awarded for both Masters Men and Masters Women in each 5-year age division based on points accumulated in a runner’s best 5 races:
Breaking Ties in the Final Standings:
In case of a tie or ties for 1st place in a division, the tie(s) will be broken using the following guidelines:
In case of ties for 2nd and 3rd places in a division, ties will not be broken, and duplicate plaques will be presented to all tying individuals.
In case of ties for 4th through 15th places in a division, the ties will not be broken and duplicate certificates will be presented to all tying individuals.
Ties for places above 15th will not be broken. All scoring decisions of the Masters LDR Committee regarding the 2022 USATF Masters Grand Prix - Individual are final and not subject to appeal.