As a World Athletics member federation, USATF is complying with the World Athletics Eligibility Regulations for Transgender Athletes (taking effect March 31, 2023) as the medical and scientific basis for the USATF classification and eligibility policy for transgender athletes competing in open events and World Athletics Rankings Events. This policy requires that certain medical benchmarks be achieved before an athlete may compete in a classification other than the sex assigned at birth for medals, prize money and other benefits. The intent of this policy is to establish competitive eligibility and to help ensure fair competition. The policy also contains safeguards to protect the privacy of any athlete(s) making the request for eligibility. On October 1, 2019, World Athletics enacted the World Athletics Eligibility Regulations for Transgender Athletes (WA Transgender Regulations), which were then subsequently amended with effect on March 31, 2023. The WA Transgender Regulations reflect a broad medical, scientific and legal consensus as to the approach required to achieve the imperatives identified above, and are based on the principles of: a) the IAAF/WA Regulations Governing Eligibility of Athletes who Have Undergone Sex Reassignment to Compete in Women’s Competition (1st of May 2011); b) the IOC Consensus Meeting on Sex Reassignment and Hyperandrogenism (2015); and c) the subsequent discussions and exchanges between World Athletics and medical experts, sports physicians, legal counsel, human rights experts, and transgender representatives. Further, effective January 1, 2023, World Athletics adopted a policy change regarding competition marks that will be accepted for statistical purposes, such as World Athletics Rankings, and thus eligible to qualify for World Athletics Championships events and World Record consideration. This is intended to ensure fair, equitable and consistent competition around the world. For competition marks to be recognized by both World Athletics and USATF (e.g., ranking points, event qualification, and records), the competition must follow the competition rules of World Athletics/USATF. For competition marks to be recognized for statistical purposes, the meets/events must be endorsed by the member federation (USATF) and appear on the World Athletics Global Calendar, following World Athletics guidelines. It is crucial for USATF to adhere to all World Athletics regulations in order to ensure that its athletes are fully equipped to succeed in international competition.