These expectations exist to assist in promoting best practices for the various committees within USA Track & Field (“USATF”). Individuals who contribute time, expertise, and knowledge with integrity can have a tremendous positive impact on our sport and USATF. Conversely, L&L Committee members who neglect their responsibilities or perform or behave poorly can have an adverse effect on both the sport and USATF. From an ethics and Conflicts of Interest perspective, it is imperative that L&L Committee members avoid any real or perceived conflicts of interest. Please see the USATF Code of Ethics for any questions regarding the ethical obligations pertaining to L&L Committee members. From a legal perspective, L&L Committee members should be cognizant of three well established legal standards of conduct and fiduciary obligations when carrying out their committee responsibilities:
Understanding L&L Committee member responsibilities is fundamentally important. Understanding how to perform them is equally important. The following standards are listed in no particular order as follows—and serve to guide the general conduct of L&L Committee members.