The Junior Olympic program is a progressional series of meets consisting of preliminary, Association, Regional, and National meets. Athletes are required to submit an entry form only at the first level of competition, as advancement is based upon performance (i.e., an athlete cannot directly submit an entry form for the Regional competition; he/she must have competed and advanced at the Association meet).
Online Declaration for the National Championships (Deadline 11/29/11 at 11:59 p.m. EST)
Click here to get started in your Association's program!
See USATF Competition Rule 305.3 for specific rules on qualifying for the National Championships. Generally, the first 20 individual finishers and first three teams in each age division at the Regional Championships will qualify for the National Championships. Athletes and teams from some Associations will qualify directly from their Association Championships as follows: top 10 individuals and 1st team in each age division. Contact your local association or regional meet director to learn more about how to qualify for the National Championships, or visit the Junior Olympic Cross Country information page. Participant numbers are fixed and no alternate athletes may advance if qualifying athletes or teams choose not to enter the National Championships.
Online Entry Forms and Fees for the National Championships
The non-refundable entry fee is $20 per individual and must be submitted online at the time of registration. Entries cannot be accepted by any other method. Late and onsite entries will not be accepted for this competition.